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Course Rates

Find Your Best Price

Our green fee rates are now following a dynamic pricing model. Prices adjust - both lower and higher - in real-time based upon demand, availability, course maintenance, and other factors. On peak times, the rates may increase. On slower times, the rates can and will be discounted cheaper. You now have the power to book a greens fee that fits both when you want to play and how much you want to pay. You also have the opportunity to enter your phone number and join our Text Club. Mondays and Thursdays, you will be texted of deals on tee times for the upcoming week. The future is here and it is now. Take advantage and go play. 

Cart Fees

*Cart Fee with Green Fee purchase includes Shared Cart*
**Due to the high demand during these times, we are unable to accomodate everyone with their own cart.**

Practice Range

Small Bucket (30 balls) $10
Medium Bucket (60 balls) $16
Large Bucket (90 balls) $22

Introducing Toptracer Mobile

Track ball speed, carry, height, and a video feature within the app. It's great to view stats as you're working with your golf instructor/coach or just to analyze your own swing. Download the Toptracer Range app and stop by the range to give it a try or ask the Pro Shop how it works.

Tee Time Booking Policy

All tee times must be guaranteed with a major credit card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover). All tee times are subject to our NO SHOW POLICY and must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to cancel the tee time in advance will result in a charge to your credit card for the full amount of the value of your tee time.

Club Rental

Teravista is proud to offer Callaway rental sets. We have right-handed, left-handed and ladies sets available. Simply let us know if you need a set when setting up your tee time and we'll have them ready for you when you arrive.

Ready to Book Your Tee Time?

//Daily Deals